Indicadores de acompanhamento e monitoramento de políticas públicas de cultura


  • Paula Ziviani Ipea
  • Frederico Augusto Barbosa da Silva Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)


Indicadores culturais; Políticas públicas culturais e educacionais; Plano Nacional de Cultura.


The article presents a framework of cultural evaluation indicators that can be used in the monitoring of cultural policies in general and in the next National Culture Plan (PNC), taking into account the sources of measurement and the goals indicators of the current Plan. The framework is composed of parameters that reflect the cultural labor market, the construction of cultural budgets and the universalization of arts education in Brazilian public schools. The aim is to support the design and implementation of public policies, in particular those implemented within the scope of strategies to improve the structuring of culture plans and monitoring of public policies in the sector.



How to Cite

ZIVIANI, P.; SILVA, F. A. B. da. Indicadores de acompanhamento e monitoramento de políticas públicas de cultura. Trilhos Journal, Santo Amaro, Bahia, v. 3, n. 1, p. 77–90, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 mar. 2025.